HIRE Edwin J Sprague

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The Point Guard

When legal loopholes keep Tina Lane's vicious killers from facing trial, her husband Mike Lane wants only one thing-justice. In a lengthy and valiant quest to avenge his only love, he composes a stunning document that has the potential to dramatically alter the very core of the American judicial system.

Lane relies on his client, Senator Jeff Wheatly, to help him further his work. But when the envious senator presents Lane's work to the president as his own, Lane finds himself in grave danger. As the senator struggles for control of Lane's document and the power it could bring, he finds that nothing is out of the question-not even murder. And, with unlimited resources at his disposal, the president himself is just as willing to cross all lines in order to gain control of the most powerful tool in modern legal history.

The CIA, the Secret Service, the IRS, the Philadelphia Police Department, and the Senate Ethics Committee all investigate the senator and his connection to multiple shocking deaths, and each organization finds that it has a vested interest in the success of Lane's radical plan.

In the end, nothing is spared.

Not love. Not life. Not law.


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"...It's a fast-paced book, rarley pausing for a breather...The Point Guard is a quick read, with plenty of twists and turns..." 



"Good yarn! This book calls for a follow-up and soon. Something for everyone..."

                                    --Charlie Montgomery, former Editor,National Enquirer, Philadelphia Bulletin